Get Started Requirements

Ready to jump in with Curator? The process is super straightforward. Curator Standard can be ready in under two weeks. Curator Online can be ready in a few days. Consider the three fronts below to ensure a thorough and timely implementation.

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Styling & Design

Curator is all about making the experience your own!

To help us make your experience unique, collect any relevant brand guides or marketing materials.

Connecting our team to any internal brand experts can also be helpful in this journey.

Now is also a good time to decide on a navigation path structure that makes sense for your end users. This is highly configurable, so don't worry if you want to experiment after installation.


Curator synchronizes with Tableau server either via a Service account's credentials or Tableau’s PATs (Personal Access Tokens).  Using a site or server, create a new token for Curator to use.

To facilitate a seamless user experience, use trusted tickets or single sign-on (SSO). We recommend SAML or OAuth for SSO.

During installation, you will be prompted to connect to these systems, and our team will help with any initial configuration to help you connect Curator with these systems.

Server Requirements

General Requirements

Your Curator server must be its own standalone web server. Installing on the same web server as Tableau Server is not supported.

Containerized deployments are also not currently supported.

Your Curator server will need to be able to communicate directly with your Tableau Server, and  your Tableau Server will need the REST and Metadata APIs enabled.                      

Curator Standard/Enterprise

If you are hosting, you will need a standalone web server on which to install the software.

This can be highly customized, but plan on following minimum specifications:

  • Linux (preferred) or Windows
  • At least 4 CPU, 8GB of RAM and 20GB of disk space available
  • Ports open for web traffic (80 and 443)
  • A disaster recovery plan

For AWS-hosted instances, we recommend:

 Linux (preferred)  




Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Windows 2019 or above

20GB of gp3 SSD @ 3000 IOPS/125 MB/s

20GB of gp3 SSD @ 3000 IOPS/125 MB/s